dark IntroductionQuick StartRealm Mindset 01. Hello world02. Element Attributes03. Element States04. Element Flow05. Global States06. Data Bindings07. Children Rendering08. Custom Script Flow09. Reusability10. Dynamic Styles11. Events12. Conditional Rendering13. List Rendering14. HTTP Request15. The Dot Notation16. State Mutation17. Finale Server-side RenderingShadow DOM StylingASTRA StackPRO Stack
IntroductionQuick StartRealm Mindset 01. Hello world02. Element Attributes03. Element States04. Element Flow05. Global States06. Data Bindings07. Children Rendering08. Custom Script Flow09. Reusability10. Dynamic Styles11. Events12. Conditional Rendering13. List Rendering14. HTTP Request15. The Dot Notation16. State Mutation17. Finale Server-side RenderingShadow DOM StylingASTRA StackPRO Stack

In Realm, you have access to a simple HTTP request tag that allows you to make HTTP requests. This functionality is similar to the fetch API in JavaScript, providing a convenient way to interact with remote servers and retrieve data.

Using the HTTP request tag in Realm, you can specify the URL of the resource you want to fetch and configure options such as request headers, request method (GET, POST, etc.), and request body data. Once the request is made, you can handle the response and process the data as needed.

Here is an example of using the HTTP request tag in Realm:

<custom-element name="http-req-example">
  <element-state name="content" type="html"></element-state>
  <element-state name="error" type="string"></element-state>
  <element-state name="is-fetching" type="boolean">false</element-state>

    <trigger-event click="FetchButton">
      <set-state name="is-fetching" value="true"></set-state>
          <set-state name="content" from="event"></set-state>
          <set-state name="is-fetching" value="false"></set-state>
          <set-state name="error" value="$.message" from="event"></set-state>
          <set-state name="is-fetching" value="false"></set-state>

    <button ref="FetchButton">Fetch data</button>
    <is-visible value="#is-fetching" eq="true">Fetching...</is-visible>
    <is-hidden value="#is-fetching" eq="true">
        <slot name="#content"></slot>
        <slot name="#error"></slot>



Wait, we have element’s state with type html here? Yes, we’re inspired by HTMX, anyway…

As you can see there’s <request-ok> and <request-fail> tag inside <http-request> tag. These tags are called response handler. You can use it to handle the response from the server. The response handler is a child tag of <http-request> tag, and it’s only available inside <http-request> tag.

You must define at least one response handler whether it’s success <response-ok> or failure <response-fail>. If you don’t define any response handler, the HTTP request will be ignored.

HTTP Request Headers

To define HTTP headers, you can use <request-header> tag inside <http-request> tag. And you can add multiple <request-header> tags.

<custom-element name="fetching-example">
  <!-- ... -->
  <http-request url="https://api.url">
    <request-header name="X-API" value="xxxxxxxxxxxxx"></request-header>
  <!-- ... -->