dark IntroductionQuick StartRealm Mindset 01. Hello world02. Element Attributes03. Element States04. Element Flow05. Global States06. Data Bindings07. Children Rendering08. Custom Script Flow09. Reusability10. Dynamic Styles11. Events12. Conditional Rendering13. List Rendering14. HTTP Request15. The Dot Notation16. State Mutation17. Finale Server-side RenderingShadow DOM StylingASTRA StackPRO Stack
IntroductionQuick StartRealm Mindset 01. Hello world02. Element Attributes03. Element States04. Element Flow05. Global States06. Data Bindings07. Children Rendering08. Custom Script Flow09. Reusability10. Dynamic Styles11. Events12. Conditional Rendering13. List Rendering14. HTTP Request15. The Dot Notation16. State Mutation17. Finale Server-side RenderingShadow DOM StylingASTRA StackPRO Stack

In the spiritual realm nothing is indifferent: what is not useful is harmful ~ Leo Tolstoy

Realm’s Developer Mindset

Realm’s foundation and core mindset are built around the distinction between developers creating products for customers and those working within a company.

As a business owner, your top priorities are delivering your product quickly and ensuring customer satisfaction. Code issues can be addressed later, but a strained relationship with your users is harder to mend.

Reality of things is hidden in the realm of the unseen ~ Hamza Yusuf

Realm was created with this in mind—to help you ship your product faster and make a positive first impression on your customers.

It’s important to recognize that your customers primarily care about the product, not the underlying code. Consequently, Realm may not be the best choice for developers who heavily prioritize microsecond-level performance optimization on the frontend. Backend development is a different story, where even the smallest performance difference can have significant consequences. However, on the frontend, it’s not as critical.

You might have noticed some glitches or perceived lower code quality in Realm’s base code. It’s worth mentioning that Realm is designed to be lightweight, with a size of approximately 20kb (around 12kb when gzipped and minified). As the founder, I intentionally avoid making Realm more opinionated or complex just to reduce its size. Additionally, I have chosen not to create an API for it. My goal is to keep Realm simple and easily comprehensible.

After completing the initial iteration of Realm, I realized that it may not be the perfect solution for every developer. However, it serves as an excellent choice for indie makers who value swift product delivery. If you’re a developer who prioritizes frontend performance, a robust API, and maintainable source code in the long run, I recommend considering alternatives like React, Vue, or Svelte. These frameworks are well-established and cater to those specific requirements.

Remember, Realm is an open-source project, allowing anyone to contribute and improve it. I won’t say much more. It’s time for you to ship your product faster.

Here’s what I know about the realm of possibility— it is always expanding, it is never what you think it is. Everything around us was once deemed impossible. From the airplane overhead to the phones in our pockets to the choir girl putting her arm around the metalhead. As hard as it is for us to see sometimes, we all exist within the realm of possibility. Most of the limits are of our own world’s devising. And yet, every day we each do so many things that were once impossible to us. ~ David Levithan