dark Summary web-appcustom-elementelement-attrelement-stateelement-flowglobal-stateimport-elementimport-scriptimport-styleis-visibleis-hiddenrepeat-list trigger-eventlisten-event set-attrset-stateset-timersend-eventhttp-requestrequest-headerrequest-bodyresponse-okresponse-failscripttrigger-element Comparison OperatorsMutation OperatorsData Source
Summary web-appcustom-elementelement-attrelement-stateelement-flowglobal-stateimport-elementimport-scriptimport-styleis-visibleis-hiddenrepeat-list trigger-eventlisten-event set-attrset-stateset-timersend-eventhttp-requestrequest-headerrequest-bodyresponse-okresponse-failscripttrigger-element Comparison OperatorsMutation OperatorsData Source

This element tag is used to import a Stylesheets (CSS) document, it similar with <link rel="stylesheet"> tag, but it’s only allowed to be used inside <custom-element> tag.

The link tag then will be added in the <head> tag, and will be executed once the Custom element is defined.

Because the default behavior of Shadow DOM, the imported CSS will not affect the styles inside of custom element, unless the local attribute is set to make the styles inside the Shadow DOM works. Except, if the CSS file(s) has defined CSS variables, you can uses the variables directly, without local attribute.

The Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) file's URL Mount the CSS file inside Shadow DOM

// CSS from styles.css
.wrapper {
  color: red;
<custom-element name="my-element">
  <import-syle local from="./path-to/style.css"></import-style>
      This wrapper class won't be affected if you don't set `local` attribute,
      it's because the behaviors of Shadow DOM by default.

      Please always set `local` attribute if you want to use the imported CSS,
      Or use CSS variables instead.
    <div class="wrapper">
      <slot children></slot>