dark Summary web-appcustom-elementelement-attrelement-stateelement-flowglobal-stateimport-elementimport-scriptimport-styleis-visibleis-hiddenrepeat-list trigger-eventlisten-event set-attrset-stateset-timersend-eventhttp-requestrequest-headerrequest-bodyresponse-okresponse-failscripttrigger-element Comparison OperatorsMutation OperatorsData Source
Summary web-appcustom-elementelement-attrelement-stateelement-flowglobal-stateimport-elementimport-scriptimport-styleis-visibleis-hiddenrepeat-list trigger-eventlisten-event set-attrset-stateset-timersend-eventhttp-requestrequest-headerrequest-bodyresponse-okresponse-failscripttrigger-element Comparison OperatorsMutation OperatorsData Source

These operators are used in the <set-state>, and <set-attr> action tag.

Add the value to the current state value. Only allowed for `number` type. Subtract the value to the current state value. Only allowed for `number` type. Multiply the value to the current state value. Only allowed for `number` type. Divide the value to the current state value. Only allowed for `number` type. Push the value to the current state value. Only allowed for `array` type. Pop the value from the current state value. Only allowed for `array` type. Assign the value to the current state value based on `index` attribute. Only allowed for `array` type. Remove the value from the current state value based on `index` attribute. Only allowed for `array` type.